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3 Gründe, warum jeder von OPC profitieren kann - HS Activa

3 reasons why everyone can benefit from OPC

OPC (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is a fascinating substance with impressive health benefits. It is mainly obtained from the seeds of grapes or from the bark of certain types of pine trees ...

Fit und stark bis ins hohe Alter - HS Activa

Fit and strong well into old age

Muscle loss: A problem that doesn't just occur with age Muscle loss is a natural process that occurs with age. But it can also become a problem at a young age. Why? The answer is simple: we...

Aspartam & Insekten im Essen... - HS Activa

Aspartame & insects in food...

What should a company do if its product has already fallen into disrepute due to potential negative health effects? Take the product off the market? Actually yes, in ...

Tipps für die Weihnachtszeit! - HS Activa

Tips for the Christmas season!

One wet kiss too many – How can I prevent infections at Christmas? To prevent an infection during the Christmas season, we recommend, among other things, taking zi...

Warum gesunder Schlaf so wichtig ist - HS Activa

Why healthy sleep is so important

If you also suffer from sleep problems , you probably know the pressure you put on yourself before you go to bed. You hope that tonight you can finally get the restful...

Osteoporose: Ursache und Maßnahmen! - HS Activa

Osteoporosis: cause and measures!

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone density decreases , increasing the susceptibility to fractures . This means that bone mass is broken down faster than it is ...