Healthy alternatives to sugar and salt

Bring a little more balance into your daily diet and use our healthy alternatives to industrial sugar and table salt.

Potassium chloride | Salt substitute

The human body contains an average of about 170 g of potassium. Unlike sodium (table salt) and chloride, potassium is found almost exclusively inside the cells.

The Potassium to sodium ratio is normally 10:1, but in everyday life this ratio has tipped due to the extremely high consumption of table salt. Yes, we need salt (sodium chloride) but in moderation and not in large quantities! Modern humans consume an average of 7 to 12 grams of table salt (mostly through excessive consumption of industrially prepared products, sausage, cheese, bread or canned goods).

Officially, however, an average salt requirement of 3 to 5 grams of table salt is considered sufficient for an averagely active person.

Use our potassium chloride as a salt substitute to balance your salt consumption. We also recommend that you inform yourself about the salt content of the products you eat.

The benefits of potassium:

  • Increases nerve conduction: Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Improved muscle function: Potassium contributes to normal muscle function.
  • Regulates blood pressure: Potassium contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure.

Stevia | Stevioglycoside

In the 1970s, the Japanese "discovered" the Stevia rebaudiana plant, from whose leaves over 100 different ingredients have been isolated. Glycosidically bound diterpenes, so-called steviol glycosides, are responsible for the sweetness of the plant. Steviol glycosides contain no calories. That means sweetness without regrets!

  • Versatile: Stevia is suitable for all imaginable applications in products such as beverages, dairy products, ice cream, sweet and sour fruit and vegetable preserves, jam, confectionery, desserts and much more.
  • Also suitable for baking and cooking: It is heat stable up to 200°C.
  • Good for dental health: In addition, it is non-cariogenic and therefore tooth-friendly.

The HS Activa health guarantee

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How fast is shipping?

Unless otherwise specified in the respective offer, the goods will be delivered by DHL or DPD to Germany within 2 – 4 days, for international deliveries within 5 - 7 days after conclusion of the contract. Orders placed before 2 p.m. are usually dispatched on the same day.

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